Home > Artworks > Salvador González Olmedo

Photo of Salvador González Olmedo Spain

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Painter, love of the land, just where is kissing the sea. Author of books, teacher and abettor had the painting group, sometimes winning contests. With work sold in Europe America and Japan.

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See everything we offer you!
39.37 x 31.89 in
23.62 x 28.74 in
36.22 x 25.59 in
16.54 x 12.99 in
39.37 x 19.69 in
36.22 x 28.74 in
23.62 x 28.74 in
47.24 x 23.62 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
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Artistic experiences: Author of books (How to paint the cake) and (Painting RPID) to \"6 languages\" of Parramn Editions. Besides participating in the direction of several editorial jobs. Author of the Collection of books (The Joy of Drawing and Painting) Idea Books Publishing. Classes taught: Seminar on airbrush in Escola d\'Art in Barcelona Provincial Council. Drawing and painting classes at: Escuela Municipal de Sant Pere de Ribes, Casino Prado de Sitges Olivella Municipal School, Group \"Els Xulius\" Sant Pere de Ribes. Prizes: 1st. Watercolor Award (I paint fast paced Concurs Sitges 91). 3 rd. Watercolor Award (III Concurs fast paced paint Sitges 92). 3rd. Prize (Painting Contest Sant Pere de Ribes fast paced 99). Exhibitions: Sala Genaro Poza, Huesca. Casa de Cultura de Cuenca. Prisma Gallery, and Cava, Vilanova i la Geltr. L\'Escala d\'Art Gallery and Maricel Sitges. Museum of Vilafranca del Peneds Vi. Sala Llorens Barcelona. Kuroakaawa Board Co. Ltd. of Tokyo Art. Sala Gonzalo Olivares Sitges Santa Fe Golf Club, Cuernavaca / Acapulco - Mexico. Work acquired in Spain and some countries in Europe, America and Japan.

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